Wednesday, January 16, 2008


So fare in the story there was 3 witches that prophesied that Macbeth would be thane of Cawdor and also prophesied that he would become king , in light of him becoming thane of Cawdor he starts to think that he could be king.In the mean time his wife lady Macbeth is already planing the murder , the next night Macbeth kills the king and fame his guards for it and so they cant say anything in a pit of rage Macbeth kills them. Macbeth is very indecisive and very easy convinced by his wife to do the murder but and the same time shows the attributes of loyalty (up until he kills the king) and respect .Macbeth after showing great valor in the street shot out by killing the mole (that was giving the gang to the west information about their activities)he and bigB where on his way back to the warehouse to meet with leaders of his gang when they came across 3 what seem to be crack heads and once they got passed them, Macbeth heard one say all hail Macbeth O.G of 8th street and another says all hail Macbeth shot caller .Then bigB pipes up and asked what about me they say you sons shall be overlords but of you we can not say. At the warehouse he is indeed made a shot caller and the overlord asks if i cool if he stop in on his way back home ,of course he agrees and calls up his wife and tells her of everything and to have the house ready when he gets home.The next night Macbeth's wife talks him into killing the overlord so Macbeth walks into the room he was pasted out in and sliced all his major arteries and placed the bloodily knife in his under boss's hand as he was sleeping .