Thursday, October 30, 2008

contrasting partying for halloween or not

Well its Thursday and tomorrow is Halloween and the big problem I'm having is if I should join my friend and fellow school chums in partying or to stay home .Partying well fun could lead to bad thing such as fights or altercation with the police and regardless of that I will be in no shape for work at 11. And in staying home I could miss my friends drunken' antics and could be come socially unattached .Staying home tho , i could get all my History homework and cards or redo some assignments in English to greater my low 67% mark . Sadly even tho tomorrow could greater my schooling slightly I can almost guarantee that I'll be out partying losing my brain cells and poisoning my liver .

Thursday, October 16, 2008

the dangers of not caring

The story " the lottery " has a unexpected ending to it , it involved a family being picked by lottery then a member of the family was singled out using the same methods , then that family member was to stand on the stage well the whole town stoned them including members of that family . This act of brutality has been indirectly shown in examples as the Nazi's mindless killing of millions Jews and other groups . The reason these to events are similar is the fact that Germans and Jews use to live in the same towns then with in a few years time even the closest of friends where condemning each other to death based souly on their ethnic back ground and ideals . This could be said for many other happenings including like the kkk lashing out on blacks which is still a problem today as it was over 75 years ago , the Tutsis and Hutus mass civil war .The worst thing about these things is the kids involvement in the fighting and in these groups because if the grow up with it they are more likely to continue the behavior or pass it on to their offspring which would just keep the cycle going , behold the power of indifference .

Thursday, October 2, 2008

1. most gory horror movie character

-Freddy Krueger

-American psycho


2. ''Most gory'' is based on very basic horror movie tactics including amount of deaths ,frequency of blood and over all scare factor of character . Scare factor is based on physical or mental fear induced by said character .

Freddy Krueger- Frederick Charles Krueger is the product of the violent rape of the nun Amanda Krueger by one hundred maniacs.started out as a pedophile kidnapping young girls using his all to famous one handed claw to scare and inflect pain on his victims .fallowing him being burned alive in his house he'd haunt young girls dreams as soon as he comes in to their thoughts to final brutally kill them. high light of gore-after dragging a young girl in to his dream world her parents came in the morning to find nothing but blood slices of their little girl.

American Psycho-Patrick Bateman works at the fictional Wall Street firm of Pierce & Pierce and lives on the Upper West Side in the American Gardens Building. In his "secret life", however, Bateman is a serial killer who murders a variety of people, from colleagues to several prostitutes. His crimes, including rape, torture, murder and cannibalism. high light of gore- would be when he drops a chain saw 40 or better floors to cut a prostitute in half .

Chucky-Charles Lee Ray, also known as Chucky, is the Lake Shore Strangler. He's a serial killer who knows voodoo. When he is gunned down, he puts his soul into that of a Good Guy doll. Fallowing this transformation he proceeded to kill anyone who got his and later on his bride and seed or child's way. highlight of gore-Well at a hotel he broke a mirror over a bed causing the glass to stab and cut into the couple sleeping .