Thursday, December 20, 2007

Moral Compass

Our moral system depends on ether what has been pounded into our heads by parents and other people who can have affects on our lives or what we have done and or learned from our culture in the short time we have been on earth . All people no matter who they are have some what different ideas of what morals are , and I think as long as the person respects there own morals and doest try and force them on anyone and they respect others for who they are and not what the believe in I think that every ones beliefs are equally acceptable. Who is to say what is right and what is wrong and what moral guidelines we should abide by ? There are different people from business men to street people , and they not going to have the same morals . A street person who has stolen his whole life to get by would have no problem taking a wallet found in a parking lot, while on the other hand a person who has had everything set out for them and is making 5 to 6 figures a year would probably look in the wallet for id and call the person to give it back . I really really hope that my morals wont change at this point I think that what i believe in makes me some what good part of society , but if they do chance it will because of what job i get or who I might start to hang out with , besides that your morals should not change that much because they are they things that show other people what kind of person you are.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Novel Study the long walk

"Garraty thought that memories were like a line drawn in the dirt. The further back you went the scuffier and harder to see that line got . Until finally there was nothing but smooth sand and the black hole of nothingness that you came out of.the memories were in a way like the road. Here it was real and hard and tangible. But that early road, that nine in the morning road, was real and hard and tangible. But that early road, that nine in the morning road, was far back and meaningless." This is what Garraty was running threw his head on the second morning at about 8:30 as he was dozing off. The metaphorical "line in the sand " is a kinda of time line of a life because the further back you go the harder and more blurry your perspective on the past gets.His thought shows that he believes that you go back to "black hole of nothingness that you came out of " you started out as a child in diapers and having no idea about the world or anything in it and as you get old you end up in diapers and having no idea about the world or what is happening around you .Makes sense seeing how as a baby you need so much help to do anything because you have no control over you senses or bodily functions and for old people just go in to the hospital or nursing home its the same thing just more depressing ,moral i think is to live life well you still can do ,feel, smell or taste all the best things in life.