Friday, December 7, 2007

Novel Study the long walk

"Garraty thought that memories were like a line drawn in the dirt. The further back you went the scuffier and harder to see that line got . Until finally there was nothing but smooth sand and the black hole of nothingness that you came out of.the memories were in a way like the road. Here it was real and hard and tangible. But that early road, that nine in the morning road, was real and hard and tangible. But that early road, that nine in the morning road, was far back and meaningless." This is what Garraty was running threw his head on the second morning at about 8:30 as he was dozing off. The metaphorical "line in the sand " is a kinda of time line of a life because the further back you go the harder and more blurry your perspective on the past gets.His thought shows that he believes that you go back to "black hole of nothingness that you came out of " you started out as a child in diapers and having no idea about the world or anything in it and as you get old you end up in diapers and having no idea about the world or what is happening around you .Makes sense seeing how as a baby you need so much help to do anything because you have no control over you senses or bodily functions and for old people just go in to the hospital or nursing home its the same thing just more depressing ,moral i think is to live life well you still can do ,feel, smell or taste all the best things in life.

1 comment:

searcy said...

You have hit two very important themes in the novel. One is that "the long walk" is sort of a metaphor for life. Life is just a long journey, a lot of times people don't know why exactly they are there (or what they are doing), and all you can do is try and form a bond with the people that you take that journey with. It seems harsh that everyone in the race except one person is going to die, but in reality everybody dies. I like the connection that you have made between youth and old age. Ultimately we are all going to end up back the way we were as infants. Depressing, but as you have pointed out, it is a good reason to try and enjoy life.