Thursday, November 29, 2007

Reality T.V. is Ridiculous

Reality T.V is like a drug to get to get people thinking about something other then there own life .In the rant by Kim Holden she says that reality T.V. is a "temporary respite from the problems in our world" well would you rather watch some guy get hit on by like 20 chicks for an hour or see how US government is "dealing with the middle east"?I think the rising percentage of people watching these shows has a direct influence on and in some peoples lives ether that being the way they act or what all their conversations are about or maybe it's because people are missing something in there in there own lives so they fill it with a lame over scripted T.V show ,In the end tho it doesn't hurt anyone so i guess its up to you if you got nothing better to do why not.

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