Friday, September 5, 2008

If i could have a super power it would be

OK well before i start id like to say that batman is nothing but a millionaire with the best toys money can buy , so to be a super hero you need a ''super'' power . Super powers are usually caused by some crazy happening like getting blinded by radioactive material or getting bit by a spider , and that made me think like all of that would probably be pretty lame to have happen to you, so i figer if your going to go though something like that might as well go though a lot and get the most out of it .So to get my super power I would sit beside the biggest nuclear reactor in world as it was doing it 's well I'm getting bit by radioactive enhanced scorpions .After the smoke cleared id hope that id have some sort of a venom and retractable tail and claws and of course i can fly because of the neutrons ..SCORPION-MAN

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